Burton Photography
166 Chapel Hills Road
Boone, NC 28607
NCphotographer.com 828-266-9889 burton@ncphotographer.com
Tweens have SUPERPOWERS! B.Tweenz matches the enthusiasm and energy of tweens with service opportunities in the High Country. Tweens CAN make a positive impact in their community - they CAN be the change they want to see in the world.
I (being at least 18 years of age) and/or my minor child listed in this form, do hereby for myself, my successors, heirs and assigns, fully and completely RELEASE and HOLD HARMLESS B.Tweenz/Burton Photography and their officers, servants, agents and employees from any and all claims, demands and actions that I and/or my minor child may have, or that my successors, heirs or assigns may have, on account of loss, damage or injury, including personal injury, that I and/or my minor child may sustain while volunteering. I hereby voluntarily assume all risks, known or unknown, from volunteering for B.Tweenz/Burton Photography. I fully understand that I and/or my minor child will not receive any compensation and that volunteers are NOT considered employees of B.Tweenz/Burton Photography.
We will be photographing the tween team as they participate in volunteer projects. By signing, you are granting permission for those images to be shared publically.